Tuesday 3 June 2008

Chocolat by Joanne Harris

I hear our M'sieur le Curé already has it in for you ... Does he know you're a witch?
Lansquenet-sous-Tannes--"a blip on the fast road between Toulouse and Bourdeaux"--and new home to Vianne Rocher, her six-year-old daughter Anouk, and Anouk's "imaginary" rabbit, Pantoufle. They arrive "on the wind of the carnival", and, a couple of days later, Vianne opens a luxuriant chocolate shop. "La Céleste Praline" bubbles over with the most tempting of confections, topped with an irresistible selection of rich, smooth chocolate drinks. It's Lent, the shop is opposite the church (which Vianne and Anouk don't attend) it's open on Sundays and Francis Reynaud, the austere parish priest with the "measuring, feline look" is not exactly happy.
As one by one the villagers sidle into the shop to sample Vianne's concoctions, we learn of their characters and secrets, their loves and desires, their troubles and hopes. Sad, polite Guillame and his dying dog. Shoplifting, beaten Joséphine Muscat. And Armande Voizin, still vigorous and perceptive in her 80s, who can see Pantoufle, and recognises Vianne for who she really is.

But Reynaud has his power base. And when Vianne advertises a Grand Festival of Chocolate to start on Easter Sunday, it's all-out war. War between church and chocolate.

Hmmmmm I'm sorry to say I was not overly impressed with this, its not a bad book don't get me wrong but, I just don't get the hype. Vivianne was an interesting character I didn't exactly warm to her for me she was one of those characters that I didn't dislike but, at the same time wasn't exactly bothered what happened to her.

Despite all that it was not a boring book but, also not as exciting either this happens to me all the time most books people just love and rate I'm just so not into them. Maybe because of all the hype I'm just expecting more than there is I don't know and yet books people rate quite low I tend to find I absolutely love them... maybe I'm just weird LOL

So whilst not a bad book with a not bad storyline this was not great and probably not something I would reach to read again.


Anonymous said...

Rubbish I am sorry you didn't like this more. Maybe try the film, it has Johnny Depp in it... I really liked the book and enjoyed the more pagan side to it and will be reading the follow up when I find the time.

Maggs said...

This is one of my favourite books Clare. But I know what you mean about the hype with books. As I tend to get put off by the hype when I read a book, like Northern lights, although I enjoyed the book the hype ruined it for me. xXx